Here is the first publication about the ArchiMed platform!

We are proud to announce that the first publication about the ArchiMed platform has just been published in the Frontiers in ICT review.

For now, more than 10 million files are archived in Archimed, namely 4 Terabites for 116 studies. Archimed has been operational for 5 years at Nancy CIC-IT, and around 60 persons use it daily. Among them, there are: engineers, researchers, clinicians, and project managers.

Research Day at Nancy CHRU: young researchers rewarded!


Research in the spotlights!

On last November 18th, took place the 11th University Hospital Research of Nancy CHRU and Université de Lorraine Day. Many people attended the event at Louis Mathieu Institute of Bravois hospital.

That day was an opportunity to share ideas and experiences for researchers, PhD students and the hospital’s staff. Several topics were approached: current studies, activities, projects and also the outlooks of the staffs from CHRU units and Université de Lorraine.


5 minutes to present one’s research!

First, visitors walked around the new premises dedicated to Research at the Brabois CHRU, and could discovered its wall of images. Then, young researchers participated in the lively contest « Ma recherche en 300 secondes » (my research in 300 seconds) where the challenge was to popularize research topics and present them within a very short time period.

Yu Xie and Céline Charroud put the IADI and the CIC-IT in the spotlights while they received the 2nd and 3rd prizes of the contest delivered by the Association des Chefs de service (Head of Services Society).





Three new MRI in Brabois! Equipment also dedicated to research!

Three new MRI in Brabois! Equipment also dedicated to research!

The Nancy Brabois CHRU completely renewed its MRI Platform in October 2016 with two 3Telsa MRI  (PRISMA and SKYRA) and one 1,5Tesla MRI (AVANTO FIT), all by Siemens. It has been financed by the CHRU, the Contrat de Plan Etat Région (CPER) IT-M2P (Technological Innovations, Modelling, and Personalized Medicine), and by the FEDER (European Funds for Regional Development). 

Now research benefits from a time dedicated at 47% to research with two full days on the 3T PRISMA MRI (on Mondays and Fridays) and four hours on the 1,5T MIR to develop research in instrumentation and safety in MRI, in methodology and clinical research where MRI is involved.




The CIC-IT moved from Tour Drouet to Bâtiment Recherche!

The CIC-IT remains on the Brabois site, and just moved from Tour Drouet to Bâtiment Recherche. It is on the ground floor (where formerly was the Etablissement Français du Sang (French Blood Agency)).

The building houses now the Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (Directorate for Research and Innovation), The Plate-forme d’Aide à la Recherche Clinique (Platform for Clinical Research Assistance) and its units: Unité de soutien méthodologique ESPRI-BioBase (Methodological Support Unit ESPRI-BioBase), Unité de Recherche Clinique (Clinical Research Unit), and the IADI INSERM staff.

An excellence centre for clinical research based on innovation!

CIC-IT guarantees the continuity of the UMR IADI activities (Diagnostic Adaptive and interventional Imaging Unit, U 947 Inserm-Université de Lorraine) towards research and clinical application. 

It aims at validating and enhancing: medical devices (MD) in MRI (ECG, MRI compatible sensors) and innovating techniques in imaging (sequence, reconstruction, post-treatment). It provides support to the implementation of clinical research protocols in imaging or to protocols that use imaging.

CIC-IT also works in developing research projects on new themes (cancers, psychiatry, vascular medecine…) thanks to its know-how, especially in quantitative imaging.

Thanks to its expertise in MRI and its numerous partnerships with physicians-scientists, the CIC-IT produces a recognized research of quality and is published in numerous referent specialized reviews.