Our leading projects!
Nancy CIC-IT works on many projects that can be enhanced in many ways: participation in large-scale projects, publications, start-up creation, etc.
Here are some that reflects our expertise:
LIVEMRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More psychological preparation and virtual reality Start: 2020
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DIANEAn MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More study on 71 pregnant women Start: 2020
![]() The goal of DIANE study is the conception of an MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More protocolIn clinical research, a protocol is a document where one can have a complete description of a given investigation: purposes, way it will be conducted, number of subjects included, contributors, statistics aspects, etc. It is an essential document dated and approved both by the sponsor and the investigator. It is a base for the competent authority to decide to implement a study or not. All the contributors must observe it. More, without any contrast injection, to evaluate the vascularisation of the human placenta. the long term objectiv is to improve the screening of Placental Adhesion Anomalies with the usage of MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More to improve the care of theses patients.
DIRECT ANGIOA study with 208 patients with a suspition of Ischemic stroke Start: 2018
DIRECT ANGIO aim to asses a new method of welcome patient with a stroke suspition : Direct admission to the thrombectomy room (without going through MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More or CT). Therefore, we aim to investigate whether direct angiosuite transfer (DAT) is superior to standard imaging/emergency department-based management in achieving 90-day functional independence. Know More
SPIRITStudy on 2,200 pregnant women Start: 2018
The national SPIRIT study aims to detect two major obstetrical diseases: preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction by 3D ultrasound. This study, conducted in 3 centres, is carried out on 2200 nulliparous patients during the first trimester of pregnancy, in Nancy, Strasbourg and Paris. Know More
CoATriAortic compliance in the triathlete Start: 2018
![]() CoATri goal is to study, through the MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More, the possibility of reshape of the ascending aorta in the triathlete population. There is three “keys” periods in a protiv season: before an intensiv training, at his best, and the end of season.
EMOCRISESUne étude sur les CNEPLes Crises Non Epileptiques Psychogènes (CNEP) sont une modification du comportement (modification de la conscience et/ou des mouvements et/ou des sensations) soudaine et paroxystique (c’est-à-dire limitée dans le temps avec un début et une fin assez nets). Pour plus d’informations sur la prise en charge des CNEP au CHRU de Nancy vous pouvez vous rendre sur cette page CHRU Nancy - Centre de référence des Épilepsies Rares section « Consultations » ou bien appeler le service ACT N'PSY au 03 83 85 24 57 More Start: 2017
![]() This study goal is to figure out the place place emotions in Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures through thecerebral imaging. In order to have the best comprehention of the phenomena, we wish compare to non pathological women.
STAMPUne étude sur le PVMLe Prolapsus Valvulaire Mitral (PVM) est une atteinte de la valve mitrale dont la prévalence est de 2-3% dans la population générale. Cette atteinte considérée bénigne peut évoluer vers une fuite mitrale d’intensité variable ou des complications rythmiques. Les symptômes rythmiques peuvent aller de simples extrasystoles isolées jusqu’à des arythmies ventriculaires graves causes de mort subite. More Start: 2016
![]() STAMP study aim to characterize tissular lesions of the heart from patients with a mitral valve prolapse, in addition to a cardiac rythme analysis. Ath the end, the objectiv is to change the recommandations of the care of these patients to be more personalised.
EVITAA national study on PAH Start: 2015
![]() The EVITA study evaluates the cardiac MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More in the follow-up of subjects who suffer from Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH). The project final objective is to improve the quality of life of subjects by substituting the necessary invasive exams to their follow-up by a cardiac MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More exam.
SpinEMRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More safety Start: 2013
![]() The project started in 2013 as the result of the cooperation between IADI IRMLe terme IRM signifie Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique mais il peut désigner l'examen, l'image ou l'imageur.Pour en savoir + sur l'IRM et son principe More, Nancy CIC-IT, and Healtis company. It benefited from the funds of FEDER/AME that raised 3 525 k€. It focuses on creating innovating products and services for the safety of subjects and staff working in MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More.
DRAGETA study conducted on 190 subjects Start: 2013
This study is conducted on a large group of subjects in several hospitals in France. It focuses on the heart transplantation rejection issue. It aims at evaluating the ability of the MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More technique to detect it. It is compared to the current method based on heart biopsy. Know More
ArchiMedAn effective tool for research Start: 2008
The ArchiMedArchiMed est une application qui stocke les images médicales (ainsi que les métadonnées) dans une base de données avec une architecture choisie : étude/sujet/examen qui permet de gérer les accès de manière granulaire. ArchiMed dispose d‘un visualisateur basique autant pour la partie images que pour les métadonnées afin de faciliter la manipulation des données. En apprendre plus sur la plateforme ArchiMed. More platform was developed at the Nancy CIC-IT in order to store, manage, treat, and archive research data, in particular for medical images. It guarantees data integrity as well as their protection. It favours interoperability. Know More
“Méthodo”More that 1000 volunteers for the MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More Start: 2008
![]() “Méthodo” is a project for the MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More methodological development. It represents 50% of the research MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More clinical research activity and enables it to conduct feasibility studies or pilot studies that are necessary to set up an imaging clinical research project on subjects. Methodological publications are based on those works.