Would you like to participate in clinical investigations?

Fill out our online form to apply. You will be contacted as soon as your profile meets our needs. All the data provided when you register will remain strictly confidential and will be accessed only by the CIC-IT staff who are subject to professional secrecy laws.

CIC-IT guarantees to both healthy or sick subjects who participate in the investigations the safety and observation of Good Clinical Practice and ethical rules for the various studies.

When a study is organised, we check our database to find candidates among the registered volunteers who are most suitable for contributing to it. That is to say, those meeting the endpoints defined in the protocol. If you meet the endpoints, you will be contacted and invited to participate. You will be informed of the objectives, investigation terms and conditions, constraints, and possible risks. Being registered in our database does not commit you in any way. You are free to change your mind any time.


What does your participation mean? . . .

An example of a “standard” study…


. . . and what do we do on our end

You sign up to
participate in
our investigations.

You are registered in our volunteer database.
NB: You can decide to be removed from the database any time. Should you decide to do so, please just let us know.

A new study
is organised?
We contact you!
Are you available?
Let’s go!

When the project starts, we select the volunteers to be called according to the objectives and endpoints defined in the protocol (age, gender, studied organ, physical activity, etc.).

You come
to Brabois Hospital,
we explain
the procedure to you.
You can choose to carry on or not…

When the day arrives, a doctor will discuss, with you, how the exam is conducted. He will also answers all your questions. He makes sure that there are no contraindication (such as claustrophobia, piercing, ferromagnetic prosthesis, pregnancy, etc.).
You will then be asked to sign a consent form.
NB: You can decide to stop your participation at any time.

You will spend
a few minutes
in the MRI machine
(less than 60 minutes).
We will then give you
a DVD with
your images.


We gather physiological or functional images, and if needed, your answers to questionnaires.
Those elements will then be analysed by doctors and investigators in order to:

  • Improve further diagnoses
  • Give value to new devices to be marketed in the future.


Request for information

For any question you may have regarding your participation in investigations, or to receive information about what a clinical study is, to understand the interest of being a volunteer, do not hesitate to see our FAQ page. If you need further information on how studies are conducted or if you just wish to sign up, please contact us under the following number +33 3 83 15 53 17 or by mail at .