The Doppler 3D ultrasound and the early detection of obstetrics’ diseases

SPIRIT (First trimester Screening for Preeclampsia and intrauterine growth RestrIction using Three dimensional doppler angiography) is a national Clinical Research Hospital Program funded by DGOS (Direction Générale de l’Offre de Soins) in 2016, focusing on the early detection of preeclampsia and/or intrauterine growth restriction by Doppler 3D ultrasound.

Context: insufficient screening for preeclampsia and intrauterinegrowth restriction

PreEclampsia (PE) and Intra Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) are serious and frequent complications of pregnancy, in both mother and fetus. Those complications require close monitoring and medical care. However, there is no predictive test available to predict the risk of early onset of PE and IUGR, making it difficult to identify women at risk.

A solution? Use three-dimensional Doppler angiography (3DPD) to detect PE and IUGR

It is currently recognized that a lack of utero-placental vascularization leads to intrauterine growth restriction and/or maternal manifestations of preeclampsia. Three-dimensional Doppler angiography (3DPD) is a new imaging tool which can be used to evaluate uteroplacental vascularization. This technique appears to present a high reproducibility of the measurements and a very promising predictive value, both for PE and RCIU. The objective of the SPIRIT study is to determine differences in 3DPD indices at first trimester between uncomplicated pregnancies, PE (mild and severe) and IUGR in nulliparous women. The main hypothesis is that these 3DPD indices could provide predictive values for PE and/or IUGR occurrence much higher than those observed with the currents other markers.


How is the study organized?

It is plan to include 2,200 pregnant patients in the first trimester of pregnancy in 3 participating maternities: CHRU of Nancy, Paris-APHP Port-Royal and Strasbourg.

This study is coordinated by the CIC-IT of Nancy and supported by the GROG (Groupe de Recherche en Obstétrique et Gynécologie) and the PremUP foundation.


The final objective: to improve the management of pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction

The detection of low or high-risk of PE and/or RCIU by Doppler 3D ultrasound, combined with other techniques, will enable early detection of these diseases and better medical care of these women in the future.


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