CIC-IT guarantees the continuity of the UMR IADI activities (Diagnostic Adaptive and interventional Imaging Unit, U 947 Inserm-Université de Lorraine) towards research and clinical application.
It aims at validating and enhancing: medical devices (MD) in MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More (ECGThe ECG (ElectroCardioGram) is the record of electric cardiac activity. Electrodes must be placed around the heart in order to register an ECG. Registering an ECG during a cardiac MRI is necessary. Its enables the synchronization between the MRI recording and the heart rate. More, MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More compatible sensors) and innovating techniques in imaging (sequence, reconstruction, post-treatment). It provides support to the implementation of clinical research protocols in imaging or to protocols that use imaging.
CIC-IT also works in developing research projects on new themes (cancers, psychiatry, vascular medecine…) thanks to its know-how, especially in quantitative imaging.
Thanks to its expertise in MRIMRI means Magnetic Resonance Imaging but it can also mean the exam, the image, or the imager. Further information on MRI and its technique More and its numerous partnerships with physicians-scientists, the CIC-IT produces a recognized research of quality and is published in numerous referent specialized reviews.